What is AJITS all about?
AJITS (Appointment Just in Time System) is a Practice patient management system that solved the waiting time problem in a doctor’s practice, clinic and hospitals, while extensively improving the quality of the operation and the patient experience.
With an intelligent optimized appointment book that automatically adjust the appointment treatment times to the average speed of the doctor, patient can expect to save up to 50% waiting time. By using the included “Just in time” appointments, patients can expect to even save up to 90% waiting time.
The software brings with many extra futures to make the general flow in the practice professional and optimized. It frees up the assistant time, it keeps the patients informed and lets the doctor know in which room the next patients is.
AJITS is the most advanced and most efficient practice patient management system available on the market today.
AJITS comprises of seven main comprehensive modular systems:
- the Online Patient Appointment Portal (OPAP).
- Patient Doctor App
- Check-in Module
- Patient Appointment Book,
- Just In Time Calling System,
- Waiting Room Organizer,
- Consultation Room Module or App