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Our Customer Testimonials

AJITS - Dr. Schmid-Wenning

Dr. med. Heinz-Joachim Schmidt-Wenning

General Practitioner from Siegenburg, Bayern

The situation in my practice prior to the September of 2008, was not satisfactory at all: the doctor´s assistants were overstrained, the waiting room, literally was a “room for waiting” and sometimes patients have to put up with waiting up to two hours until it´s their turn. As a result many patients were not satisfied, some of them voiced out their anger and complained. For many, going to doctor´s practice to waste many precious times was unpleasant. Finally, despite every effort to solve the problem through team consultations, we failed deplorably. The stress and hectic cost the assistants and myself much strength and energy.

Today that is the past and belongs to history! Since the September of 2008, we have installed the AJITS® System, the efficient and professional Patient and Personnel management software package in my practice. The difference compared to then, is perceptible daily, for assistants, patients and last but the least, also for me.

The waiting room has become a “transit room”. The waiting time for the patients has drastically reduced more than 75%, and amounts only between 5 and max. 30 min. Result: Great satisfaction among the patients, visitation to doctor´s practice is not a burden anymore.

As a result of the noticeable reduction time for the routine handling and organization of the patients, the doctor´s assistants are relieved. Result: much time for the attendance of individual patience and the resulting all-round quality enhancement for general patient’s care.

Positive Impacts:

  • Still doing the same volume of work, I am not overstrained, and at the end of the day no longer depleted. Normally we finish quite earlier and come home on time.
  • The entire activities in the practice is perfectly structured and well organized, everything runs quietly and smoothly.
  • As a result of the efficient PC-controlled practice organization, less overtime and cost of personnel are incurred, so that within a short time, the cost for the Software was amortized, much less the satisfaction of the assistants, who initially were very sceptical.

*I recommend the AJITS® System, the efficient and professional Patient and Personnel management software package to every practice!*

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