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The transmission of infectious diseases can be reduced by reducing the number of people in the waiting room.
If, on the subject of “contagion in waiting rooms” a year ago, one had in mind a room overcrowded with sneezing and coughing patients and strongly heated in winter, the year 2020 has given the whole thing a new meaning. Any contact should be avoided, distance limits should be adhered to, but what if there is a “jam” in the waiting room.
With AJITS you keep the traffic in the waiting room manageable: Instead of spending between 30 minutes and two hours in a crowded waiting room, patients usually wait five minutes in the practice. The waiting location is determined by the patients themselves and the patients appear on time, “just-in-time” for their appointments. Furthermore, contact with the MFAs is reduced when AJITS sends patients from the waiting room to the consultation room.

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